Treatments & Pricing

Comprehensive Assessments
Sensory Processing
Reduced sensory processing can be observed through fidgeting in a chair, becoming over-excited following movement, avoiding touch, difficulty concentrating or leaning more than necessary on people and furniture.
Fine Motor Skills
Difficulties with holding cutlery, a pencil or using a toothbrush, finger strength, hypermobility, tactile perception and reflex development.
Gross Motor Skills
Basic motor ability (ball skills, balance, postural tone, range of movement) and its impact on everyday tasks.
Fine motor control, visual motor integration and visual perception.
Self-care & Independence
Every day, routine activities like using cutlery, dressing, toileting and personal hygiene.
Executive Functioning
Attention, memory, planning, organisation, as well as emotional regulation/ control.
Visual Perceptual
Ability to recognise, differentiate and attach meaning to the information we see from our environment.

Therapy Interventions
Therapy sessions may be advised depending upon your child's assessment results. In some cases, children require ongoing therapy due to their diagnosis.
Occupational Therapy sessions can help your child improve on many of their daily, functional tasks like: being able to concentrate in class, managing their sensory processing needs, developing their fine and gross motor skills, improve their handwriting legibility or speed, and being able to plan and organise their day more independently.

Parent Workshops
Nursery/School Training & Consultations also Available on Request
Inset Training & Workshops
Handwriting development, sensory processing difficulties, executive functioning, sensory processing and emotional regulation/ control.
Pupil Workshops or Groups
Self-regulation group utilising sensory/ calm down strategies, handwriting or prewriting group/ club, fine motor group, sensory and/ or coordination & strengthening group for children with dyspraxia and/ or delayed gross motor skills.
Advice Clinics with Staff
On setting up and monitoring of individual pupil's sensory diets, exercise programmes and specialised equipment.

Packages & Pricing
Occupational Therapy Assessment &
Summary Report
Detailed Occupational
Therapy Assessment & Summary Report
Treatment Sessions
Admin Fees
Includes an initial session lasting approximately two hours (depending on complexity) including the most relevant standardized and non-standardized assessment tools, questionnaires, discussion and structured observations to investigate referral reasons. This report can assess up to two areas of functioning (i.e. fine and gross motor skills, sensory processing, handwriting, visual-motor/visual perceptual skills, activities of daily living). Scores, clinical opinion and recommendations will be provided in a detailed report.
EHCP Report or Dyspraxia / Developmental Co-ordination Disorder Assessment
Includes all items in the basic assessment, and further standardized assessments are used to investigate Dyspraxia/ Developmental Coordination Disorder, or further assessment details and outcome setting for EHCP reports. This report is also appropriate when assessing more than two areas of functioning (i.e. fine and gross motor skills, praxis, sensory processing, handwriting, visual-motor/visual perceptual skills, activities of daily living, visual stress).
1 Hour
Occupational Therapy Sessions
Occupational Therapy treatment provided within a home, school or therapy room setting. The OT will prepare and bring resources for the session and document the therapeutic process. The hour session generally includes 45 minutes of direct therapy with 15 minutes of feedback or documentation. Treatment session time can also be used for parent or teacher consultations.
There is an additional admin charge of £85 which covers the time over and above the treatment session - this includes: progress reports, individualised exercise or sensory diets, attendance at meetings, phone consultations.